
Tim & Stephanie Harding Owners & Operators of That 1 Painter Phoenix

The Hardings Celebrate the Grand Opening of That 1 Painter Phoenix, Bringing Passion and Excellence to Home and Business Renovation.

Tim and Stephanie Harding, long-time pillars of their community, are delighted to announce the official launch of That 1 Painter Phoenix. Rooted in a deep love for their city and its residents, the Hardings are eager to extend their commitment to excellence and community service to the realm of home and business renovation.

Tim’s journey in entrepreneurship has been shaped by a foundation of unwavering dedication and a strong work ethic instilled in him from a young age. With a diverse background that includes serving his country, working in law enforcement, and serving as a Pastor at Church; Tim and Stephanie are now embarking on a new venture that aligns with another one of their passions: turning houses into dream homes through renovation and remodeling.

“At That 1 Painter Phoenix, we believe in the transformative power of character,” says Tim Harding. “We take immense pride in our work and view every project as an opportunity to exceed expectations and bring our clients’ dreams to life.”

The Hardings are thrilled about the prospect of contributing to the aesthetic and functional enhancement of homes and businesses in their community. Their hands-on approach and attention to detail set That 1 Painter Phoenix apart, ensuring that each project is completed with the utmost care and craftsmanship.

Becoming Franchise Partners – The Hardings Takes Arizona With That 1 Painter Phoenix

Having identified the need for superior house painting services, Tim and Stephanie are driven by a passion to fill this gap with their expertise and dedication. Their primary objective is to give back to the Phoenix community and its surrounding areas, making a positive impact through their services and active involvement.

“We see ourselves as integral members of the community, and our mission is to enhance the lives of our neighbors through quality house painting services and genuine community engagement,” says Stephanie Harding.

Tim and Stephanie’s outreach extends beyond their business, as they eagerly seek collaborations with various industries and community groups, including Realtors, Contractors, Builders, Social groups, School boards, and Churches. Their inclusive approach reflects their desire to form lasting partnerships and relationships throughout the Phoenix and Scottsdale areas.

At the core of their mission is a commitment to dedication and excellence. The Hardings pride themselves on persistently striving for the greater good of the community and their clients. Their work philosophy revolves around actively thinking of ways to give back, sharing their experiences, and ensuring an exceptional experience for their customers, employees, and the broader Phoenix and Scottsdale communities.

“We believe that our success is intertwined with the success and well-being of our community. Every stroke of paint represents our dedication to creating vibrant, beautiful spaces that contribute positively to the lives of those we serve,” adds Tim Harding.

Looking for a Painter in the Phoenix AZ? Call That 1 Painter Phoenix

Look no further than That 1 Painter Phoenix! Tim and Stephanie Harding will work diligently with their crew to ensure your project is shown the care it deserves. To schedule your free estimate with That 1 Painter Phoenix, please fill out this form or call (602) 887-4321!